Deck Review: Indigo Angel Oracle Cards

indigo angel deck

card 1 review

Doreen Virtue Doreen worked on this 44 card deck with her son Charles, himself an Indigo child. Indigo children or crystal children will always be drawn to this deck and it is geared towards adolescent children. Every child has different characteristics, but indigo children are very special and they have incarnated on earth as light workers to raise the vibration of the planet. They could possibly grow to be leaders of this age. They know the truth and struggle against authority because they can see straight through the system. However, this deck will also draw children who are strong willed, or seem to be off their path. These beautifully illustrated cards contain a one word angel messages inside can really help the children who are suffering from any trauma in their lives. The angels have given one word messages on these cards to help aid Indigos in their life and their mission on earth. However, that one word will be very relevant to any child who picks a card. The angelic guidance is for all. As a parent the message could give you a good insight to how your child is really feeling and this can then enable you to work from that to help them in some way. The deck contains an extended message relating to each card and will help you to gain further insight.



– Margaret West Angel card reader/Trainer
Connections with Spirit